[Leica] OT: New "Hipster" Lens...

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Sun Oct 25 12:15:49 PDT 2015

The Leica M is too damn heavy are you kidding you can't just take that out
and shoot pictures! You have to leave it at home having gotten a cropped
consumer Fuji mirrorless!
 On the LUG I'm not seeing people buying Fuji consumer grade mirrorless
cameras  because they just don't have the cash for a Leica M.
They've already got one.
The Fuji bodies are in the "more cameras" category.
As if its lighter or something and that makes a difference.
As if "mirrorless" is a category you just have to have its a basic necessity
of your camera world!
But I don't think its weight I think its money.
The Leica M is certainly too much money  to bring outside and use. It might
get a raindrop on it.  Or a scratch. And your investment when you sell it on
eBay next year might be lessoned.

I can tell you if I owned a Leica M digital camera I'd be using it.
I'd not be surfing the internet looking for cheap alternatives so I can
leave it at home. The joys of leaving my rarefied gear at home while I go
out and shoot with something else has never grabbed me.
I think the first week or two I avoid dark streets at night.
Otherwise its my camera. I'm not leaving it at home.

Mark William Rabiner

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