[Leica] OT: New "Hipster" Lens...

Geoff Hopkinson hopsternew at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 04:02:29 PDT 2015

*Subject*: [Leica] OT: New "Hipster" Lens...
*From*: photo at frozenlight.eu (Nathan Wajsman)
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 16:40:36 +0200 (CEST)
References: <
6434221.1445524537030.JavaMail.root at mswamui-chipeau.atl.sa.earthlink.net

Indeed, I must have this lens. Except that I already have the 35mm 1.4, so
I would need to get rid of that first. Unless the price is right :-)


Op Do, 22 oktober, 2015 16:35, schreef Montie:
>* ...for the unobtrusive Fuji "Streetog"*
>* (Hi Nathan ;-)*
>* http://www.fujifilm.com/news/n151021_01.html <http://www.fujifilm.com/news/n151021_01.html>*
>* Montie

I have that Fujinon XF 35 1.4 for my XT1 and it works fine. Obviously
not in the same league as my Summilux but the price point are very
different too. Odd situation locally is that there are $200 factory
rebates on that one (and a number of other XF lenses)now and so it is
actually about $200 cheaper currently than the new f/2 lens.*


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