[Leica] Leica SL weight comparison.....

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Sat Oct 24 18:29:54 PDT 2015

My new shooting experience involves three new feather weight 1.8's from
Nikon. A 35, 50 and 85. They weigh combined 840 grams, or 29.6 oz's, or 1.9
of a pound.

An AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED lens which I don't own weights
900 grams, or 31.7 oz, or 2 pounds.

Its s stop slower. But it zooms.

I'm not using zooms so much any more.

When I add  the almost just out cutting edge 1.8 24mm to my kit it will be
heaving than the zoom/. But I'll not carry all four with me every day. Just
a selection depending on my mood and the weather. And current events.

All of the 1.8s have specs which exceed that of the  "pro" 1.4's.
And certainly any dumb zoom.

On 10/23/15 1:26 AM, "Frank Filippone" <red735i at verizon.net> wrote:

> Just a note...
> The Leica M9 ( and presumably all the other Digi-M's) weigh 600grams.
> The Sony A7 weighs 475 grams
> The SL weighs 847grams
> There are 454 grams to a pound....
> The difference in weight between the SL and the A7 is about 375 grams or 13
> ounces.
> Another way to look at this .... the A7 is roughly HALF the weight of the
> SL....
> The 24-90 lens weighs in at 1.14 KG ( there is a typo in the download
> datasheet, it actually says 1.140grams.  Highly unlikely!)
> The weight of the 50 Lux is not stated.
> Most Leica M lenses are each around 300 grams.  So the zoom lens is about the
> same weight as 3-4 M lenses.  ( 24,28,35,and 90 together would weigh about the
> same...)
> Bulk wise, the SL is surely requires a bigger camera bag solution....
> Frank Filippone
> Red735i at verizon.net
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Mark William Rabiner

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