[Leica] BIG new Leica

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Sat Oct 24 15:15:54 PDT 2015

If I had a year to live and wanted to make my last years work count my
camera would never come off my tripod.

A problem I have with a monopod is it makes it way harder to quickly change
your elevation.... the distance your camera is off the ground. You can't
just flex your knees to lower your shot you have to collapse the leg.  You
cant just quickly drop to one knee. So for the stop of two it gives me I
leave it at home. That's how my life went. I had a Bogen it was up against a
corner of a wall behind a door for a decade. Fully extended.

I'd invented a new technique of running around grabbing quick shots with a
collapsed tripod to take the weight off.  I'd pretend its a monopod and no
one knows the difference. ( I can see it getting caught in dense brush
though ) 
Then when I have the chance with things slowing down I can extend the legs
and really do it up right. F 15th of a second and be there.

On 10/24/15 5:48 PM, "Doug Herr" <wildlightphoto at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Mark Rabiner wrote:
>> I don't get monopods they give you and extra stop maybe two on a good day
>> and you use it as a walking stick, to poke people and establish your turf in
>> a crowd of shooters.
> A monopod is much easier to maneuver in dense brush.
> Doug Herr
> Birdman of Sacramento
> http://www.wildlightphoto.com
> http://doug-herr.fineartamerica.com
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Mark William Rabiner

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