[Leica] BIG new Leica
Mark Rabiner
mark at rabinergroup.com
Sat Oct 24 14:30:44 PDT 2015
Just dreams and premonitions. Reviews and MTV charts. Pictures of the lens
and its results. Interviews. Common sense.
I remain the only person on any photo list who gets is opinions thrown back
at him if he doesn't have a notarized receipt of the item at hand. It makes
me feel very special. I've notice the most I get in trouble on this list is
when I say something positive about a Leica product. And that's with people
who own the older version of that product who feel they've made a life long
investment so really its about the bottom line.. Its a big problem with
Leica that they keep making better and better products. This can be quite
annoying to people who have bought early versions of transition items and
expect them to be completely viable in decades to come.
On 10/24/15 2:31 PM, "John McMaster" <john at mcmaster.fr> wrote:
> Talking from personal experience Mark?
> john
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Rabiner
> I think the Leica 21mm Super-Elmar-M f/ 3.4 ASPH Lens is better!
> On 10/23/15 5:44 PM, "Frank Filippone" <red735i at verizon.net> wrote:
>> The 21 and 24 SEM are similar to the 50 ASPH Lux (and the WATE!). I
>> can pick out images from those lenses from others in my stable....
>> It may be that the optical characteristics of the most modern lenses
>> are similar.... design tools? Intentional design compromises? Purely
> chance?
>> Frank Filippone
>> Red735i at verizon.net
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+red735i=verizon.net at leica-users.org] On
>> Behalf Of John McMaster
>> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 2:40 PM
>> To: 'Leica Users Group'
>> Subject: Re: [Leica] BIG new Leica
>> The 21mm SEM beats the Elmarit asph in all areas IMO. I would say that
>> the S range is Leica's still lens showcase range ;-)
>> john
>> -----Original Message-----
>> ?Yes, everything is a whole set of compromises. I assume Leica and
>> Zeiss will both continue to make optics that also cater to those who value
> compactness.
>> The M line is Leica's current showcase of what it can do. It may be
>> that the Loxia line for the Sony is representative of what Zeiss can
>> do for that platform.
>> Since wide angle optics are the main area of my concern regarding the
>> Sony line, I was curious just how much of a penalty that platform will
>> pay. To show this, I made a Tiff file with a cutout of the Leica v.
>> Zeiss Loxia 21mm
>> f/2.8 entries into this competition shown on different layers. The
>> images are adjusted to equalize size and distance from the sensor/film.
>> Some might find looking at the two similar optics interesting.
>> Download the Tiff from
>> http://www.paulroark.com/Loxia-v-Leica-21-f28.tif
>> As to relative sharpness, all we have are MTF curves that are not
>> necessarily comparable. If they are to be believed, the Zeiss wins by
>> a hair. My experience is that Leica is more conservative in these, and in
>> the real world Leica might well win by a hair. The main and more
>> objective measure of performance that could be important is that,
>> consistent with the performances we see in other wide angle lenses,
>> the more retrofocus optic has less vignetting. Zeiss is claiming light
>> falloff at f/2.8 that is equal to the Leica at f/8.
>> Paul
>> www.PaulRoark.com
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Mark William Rabiner
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