[Leica] BIG new Leica

Doug Herr wildlightphoto at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 21 12:09:52 PDT 2015

chris williams wrote:

>What I like by the photos -
>The eyepiece is layer out much better than Sony or Fuji (for Fuji I have to buy the larger rubber cup).
>The buttons are minimum. Sony and Fuji have way too many IMO. Keep it simple for users shooting a ton.
>I don't mind the size, I have to use the battery grip on the Fuji to have to fit in my hand. 
>The battery concerns me. Why can't these companies make a battery that last longer than 400 frames? I know EVH wears on battery life but come on, my IPhone 6plus will go at least 6 hrs of heavy use. 

I believe I read in one of the reviews the battery life is more like 700 frames.

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

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