[Leica] LUG Book 2015 - Closing Date 2015/12/15

Adam Bridge abridge683 at fastmail.com
Wed Oct 21 09:29:49 PDT 2015

This places the demand to be a curator - a thankless task and probably not one most people would sign up for. Having people self-select two images puts the burden of editing on them.

Somehow I’ve missed the date for submissions. We’re only in October, however. Most of us are used to the traditional end-of-year deadline. I admit that I’ve missed the actual deadline date.


> On Oct 21, 2015, at 9:12 AM, Mark Rabiner <mark at rabinergroup.com> wrote:
> I think that the people submitting pictures should be allowed to submit more
> pictures especially in a case where you're finding a year where less people
> are submitting pictures.
> Allow the interested people to submit more pix. Perhaps don't accept them
> all.

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