[Leica] Leica announces SL (Typ 601), a 24MP full frame mirrorless capable of 11fps and 4K video

Doug Herr wildlightphoto at earthlink.net
Tue Oct 20 15:09:40 PDT 2015

Since the dedicated R adapter L won't be available until late 2016 I have to wonder if it's something more than a dumb adapter.  Until this adapter becomes available and assuming it operates the auto-diaphragm the SL offers little advantage for me vs. the Sony a7II, at least on paper, other than the viewfinder.  The viewfinder does sound sweet and the UI likewise is more to my liking than the a7II.  I have time to create some cash-raising schemes.

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

-----Original Message-----
>From: Steve Barbour <stevebarbour at mac.com>
>Sent: Oct 20, 2015 11:28 AM
>To: LUG Group <lug at leica-users.org>
>Subject: [Leica] Leica announces SL (Typ 601), a 24MP full frame mirrorless capable of 11fps and 4K video
>now  SL reflex, M,  other,   all the same with Leica,   Sony,    Fuji….   cameras.
>http://www.imaging-resource.com/news/2015/10/20/leicas-24mp-sl-camera-system-is-another-foray-into-the-mirrorless-market <http://www.imaging-resource.com/news/2015/10/20/leicas-24mp-sl-camera-system-is-another-foray-into-the-mirrorless-market>
>just use an    “adapter”  .
>Leica Users Group.
>See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information

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