[Leica] LUG Gallery is temporarily offline

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Sat Oct 17 16:49:39 PDT 2015

Thanks Brian for your efforts! That must have been frustrating beyond 
belief. Mind you as specimens of humanity, we have had to put up with more 
change in our lifetimes than most of the other generations that have walked 
this planet before us. Remembering the details can be a bloody challenge!

who in 1969 when he joined a bank found it had only four pieces of 
technology - a telephone, a typewriter, a biro, and carbon paper. Change 
came quickly after that...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian Reid" <reid at mejac.palo-alto.ca.us>
To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at leica-users.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2015 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Leica] LUG Gallery is temporarily offline

> The LUG Gallery is back online, still at http://gallery.leica-users.org/
> but the server computer is in a new location in a different city and 
> county.
> After shutting it down, removing it from its rails and rack, getting it 
> packed safely in the trunk of my car, driving it to the new location, 
> carrying it in without dropping it (it weighs 40 pounds) moving some steel 
> shelves around to make room for it, and moving some cables around to get 
> enough electricity for it, I was discouraged to find that I could not get 
> it to turn on.
> After entirely too many hours of debugging, testing, and experimenting I 
> finally discovered that the button I was pushing to turn it on was not the 
> "on" button. The actual "on" button is so small it can only be pressed 
> with something like a paperclip. In the past I had used a fiber-tip pen to 
> operate it a few times, and as a result the button was painted black and 
> was nearly invisible. Pressing the real "on" button did a dandy job of 
> turning it on, and the rest of the installation went without incident.
> This server is a maxed-out SunFire X4200, which in its time was a 
> screamingly fast system. It is still faster than most current server 
> systems, but its 16GB of RAM is a bit dated. You can buy one just like it 
> on eBay today for $500.
> Brian Reid
> LUG Saloonkeeper
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