[Leica] LEica SL rumors.....

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Tue Oct 13 15:22:58 PDT 2015

It ain't much

It ain't guaranteed

It WILL get someone's blood steamy hot. Mine? Not so much...


>From http://www.mirrorlessrumors.com/here-are-the-full-leica-sl-specs/

Leica SL Typ601 camera:

- Sensor 24MP CMOS

- Full autofocus support

- 4K Video



I do not need AF,

I do not know why I would want Video in a still camera, don't know what 4K
video is, no less why I would need to have it,

I do not wish to replace my existing lenses, for fear of divorce, at best

24MP is certainly disappointing to me, but sufficient...


Absolutely no info ( rumor) on ISO performance relative to the M8 through to
the M240,  no less some actual data

No rumor on if it has an EVF ( Which I want) or an LCD ( which I am 50/50

No rumor on whether it will use M lenses, R lenses, or any other lens..


In retrospect, why did I even write this?

Why did you read this far?


Wait a week for all the secrets to be public info... and then the blood bath
will start..


Frank Filippone

Red735i at verizon.net


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