[Leica] The SL
Frank Filippone
red735i at verizon.net
Mon Nov 2 23:00:00 PST 2015
An excellent description of the mechanism.... and especially the variants.
Yes, rather difficult to implement.... especially if you wanted to be 100%
compliant with all lenses of any age........
Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net
The Leicaflex (original) used a sloped cam outwardly similar to an M lens'
focussing cam. The body's axial cam follower (at the top of the mirror box)
read this cam as actual lens aperture (for the non-TTL meter, much like the
Nikon F rabbit ears). The Leicaflex SL and SL2 use a second sloped cam,
similar to the first but at the bottom of the mirror box, that indicated
aperture relative to full aperture for TTL metering (like auto-indexed
rabbit ears or Nikon's AI tab). The R cam (R3 onward) a.k.a. 3rd cam used a
rotational cam that indicated both actual aperture and aperture relative to
maximum. It would be messy to sort these out in an adapter.
Doug Herr
>One word answer..... No.
>The easy part is the auto aperture.... which is a simple linear
>actuator requirement. The hard part will be the transfer of set
>aperture to the body.
>I have forgotten ( if I even ever knew) how the Leicaflex transferred
>Aperture information to the body, but I do not think it was
>electrical... I think it was a mechanical linkage....
>That could be done with a pretty simple resistive element..... If this
>were implemented, it would mean Aperture Priority only..... ( metering
>system adjusts shutter speed to get proper exposures)
>Again, my Analog Circuit Design background allows me to think of
>this... it does not mean Leica agrees.....
>Frank Filippone
>Red735i at verizon.net
>Is there any technical reason why this is difficult (Auto Exposure
>feature for R lenses)? Nikon DSLR AF lenses work fine on the Nikon 1
>mirrorless systems, with both AF and AE (most features) enabled via an
>On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 5:37 AM, Frank Filippone <red735i at verizon.net>
>> If it were as easy as a simple tube, which is the adapter without the
>> auto feature, there is no reason that it would not have been
>> available now. It is so trivial, that the Chinese copy cats have
>> probably already
>done it.....
>> ( somewhat tongue in cheek.)... Checking after I wrote that, I found
>> that Novoflex has the adapter ( dumb, no auto feature), called the
>> LET/LER. So you can use your R lenses on your SL body, as soon as
>> they
>ship them.....
>> That is the primary reason I think that it will the Auto feaqture.....
>> that it is taking a year to come out.....
>> I have no real info, nor am I on the inside track at Leica..... I am
>> purely speculating...
>> But if it did have the Auto feature, it would be the single most
>> brilliant implementation Leica has had since the LTM to M adapters.....
>about 1953.
>> Frank Filippone
>> Red735i at verizon.net
>> Actually I was told by a Leica rep at PhotoExpo that the R adapter
>> would not have an auto stop down mechanism. Of course he could be
>> wrong, or they might reconsider....
>> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 6:01 PM, Frank Filippone <red735i at verizon.net>
>>> There is no published information that the R to TL adapter has or
>>> has not the auto stop down abilities.
>>> The R to M adapter plus the M to TL adapter, which they now
>>> recommend until the one piece adapter becomes available, does not.
>>> Frank Filippone
>>> Red735i at verizon.net
>>> The facht that the R adapter tube does not stop down R lenses seems
>>> a problem to me, however perfect this camera would be.
>>> Cedric Agie
>>> Brussels
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