[Leica] IMGs: Polling Day 1 & 2

RicCarter ric at cartersxrd.net
Thu May 28 06:10:21 PDT 2015

Strictly from an Americn perspective and with extreme generalization, I would have judged those votes the same way as Douglas.

So I thought I’d examine my thinking—always good for the brain.

Those who turn out to vote against change seem to carry more anger and tend toward older, white men

Those who are more progressive, seem to be lighter of the soul, and tend toward younger and female.

If their expressions had been reversed, they would have been more difficult to categorize

But, that’s strictly my prejudiced, American, Southern perspective as an old, white man;^)


> On May 28, 2015, at 4:25 AM, Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie> wrote:
> "Steve Barbour" <steve.barbour at gmail.com> enquired regarding
>>> Possibly "NO" voters. Florence Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Fuji X100S
>>> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/DouglasBray/politics/Polling1.jpg.html
>>> Possibly a "YES" voter. Florence Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Fuji X100S
>>> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/DouglasBray/politics/Polling2.jpg.html
> <<<<
>> so what motivates your taking pictures and guessing about these two particular sets of circumstances? >Was your conclusion based on age, smiles, demographics?
> So what motivates my taking pictures? I suppose it's an inate curiosity about slowing life down to capture a moment and seeing what the image of that moment might subsequently tell me. Everybody has prejudices - including you, Steve - and I like to see whether my own perceived prejudices have been fed.
> The circumstances that led me to the guesses were shaped by participants in the all pervading discussions on radio and television during the referendum campaign, and the type of people who either called to my house to canvass or buttonholed me in the street to try to get me to vote in particular ways.
> So what motivated you to ask about my motivation? Was there a disconnect between you and my guesses, and what was it based on?
> Douglas 
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