[Leica] New Monochrome results -BOB

Steve Barbour steve.barbour at gmail.com
Mon May 25 09:17:39 PDT 2015

> On May 25, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Robert Adler <rgacpa at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Philippe,
> Unfortunately your link didn't work for me.
> I totally understand: I actually own an X-T1. And all the features you talk
> about are certainly highly desirable: would love to see even some of them
> on any new M that comes out.
> But I am just genetically bonded with my M: I never fear some unknown
> feature will pop up and the solution to get rid of it is even more unknown!
> It just seems to happen with me ALL the time with the Fuji. So, as I think
> you said, horses for courses!!

evolution will also happen with the M Bob, that's what we hope for...

the time scale is the issue...both will evolve....one at the rate of melting of a  couple of ice cubes, the other more like a glacier. 


> Best,
> Bob
> On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Philippe <philippe.amard at sfr.fr> wrote:
>> Le 25 mai 2015 à 07:26, Bob Adler <rgacpa at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>> Indeed. Nice having a very quiet shutter and no mirror flap (D4?) was
>> very helpful... ;-)
>>> Bob Adler
>> I love the picture Bob, but from the exif, I think your X-T1 would have
>> fared as well if not better.
>> Higher usable ISO,
>> may be switched to ABSOLUTELY silent mode, not even a click,
>> plus effective OIS with some lenses, and of course on static subjects.
>> e.g.
>> https://filex.univ-lorraine.fr/get?k=6oYnM7pOfNQz2y3dkE5
>> This was shot at 1/10, using live view, and handheld.
>> ISO 1600 and f9, for what it's worth.
>> And is sharper (no motion/shake blur/sofness) than your otherwise
>> wonderful kid portrait.
>> Amities
>> Philippe
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> -- 
> Bob Adler
> www.robertadlerphotography.com
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