[Leica] New Monochrome results

John McMaster john at mcmaster.co.nz
Sun May 24 16:58:23 PDT 2015

Only lenses that are fussy to my knowledge are Noctilux (particularly f1.0),
75mm Summilux and maybe the 90mm Summicron. The 35/50 asph lenses are
usually fine, as are wider and the 75mm Summicron, not sure about Summarits
(never owned one) but I think they are also fine. So outside of those few
lenses I would not expect to have to get things recalibrated very often.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Carney

Thanks, John

Now I have two Fuji XE's and lenses.  They have movable focus points, for
which I have the function button set.  The Fuji autofocus time is OK for the
35/52, and for the 14/21 I keep it set on manual since it has a hard focus
stop.  For the 60/90 "macro" 2.4 it is fine but there I have 
a little more time.   For the 55/200(83/300) zoom it is forever, so of 
limited use.  So, if you bought a new M/MM and lenses, would it be likely to
return to Leica for lens/body calibration?  Thx


On 5/24/2015 6:04 PM, John McMaster wrote:
> Live view lets you focus as it will come out on the image. I do not find
> quite as bad as Bob does (I have seen that SD card makes can make a
> difference, I use Lexar) but it is far from perfect. I tend to use it with
> 21mm and wider or the 60R, it can be useful with Noctilii or 75mm Summilux
> though...
> If I did not have a Monochrom I would have no hesitation in buying the new
> one, I do not see enough benefit to me to buy when I have the original.
> Hopefully the next generation of M cameras will have better Live View -
> response time, refresh rate, resolution, movable focus point and maybe
> DoF guide!
> john
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ken Carney
> Bob,
> Here is a Leica-rookie question.  I have seen numerous posts about users
> sending bodies and lenses back to Leica to calibrate, to avoid back and
> front focus issues.  Is this what live view is intended to avoid?  I know
> even my SLR's have focus issues if I don't calibrate the lenses with
> in-camera software.  If there is not an issue with matching bodies and
> lenses, yes I would prefer to have rangefinder focus (my last Leica long
> was an M3 with a 35mm Summicron, where it was difficult to make a focus
> error though I succeeded at times).  Thx for some enlightenment.
> Ken
> On 5/24/2015 5:29 PM, Bob Adler wrote:
>> Honestly I find live view useless as implemented in the M240. Completely
> useless because of the unbelievable shutter lag for non-landscape images
> inability to move the magnified area of the view around to check focus for
> landscape work.
>> For the decisive moment you will need to anticipate an additional 1/2 sec
> or more in advance. For landscapes you will need to reframe after
>> Sorry, but I never use live view. But I own no R  lenses which it may
> actually be useful for per others' experiences I have read.
>> Best,
>> Bob-The -Grump
>> Bob Adler
>> Robert Adler Photography
>> www.robertadlerphotography.com
>>> On May 24, 2015, at 12:32 PM, George Lottermoser
> <george.imagist at icloud.com> wrote:
>>> Live view certainly is what keeps me dreaming about the "upgrade;"
>>> while feeling quite satisfied with the "high ISO" of the MM I.
>>> a note off the iPad, George
>>> On May 24, 2015, at 11:54 AM, Doug Herr <wildlightphoto at earthlink.net>
> wrote:
>>>> The significant upgrade is live view.
>>>> Doug Herr
>>>> Birdman of Sacramento
>>>> http://www.wildlightphoto.com
>>>> http://doug-herr.fineartamerica.com
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Robert Adler <rgacpa at gmail.com>
>>>>> Sent: May 24, 2015 8:51 AM
>>>>> To: Douglas Nygren <douglasnygren at yahoo.com>, Leica Users Group
>>>>> <lug at leica-users.org>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Leica] New Monochrome results
>>>>> Good writeup here by Erwin Puts. Doesn't seem to be worth the $$...
>>>>> Better value with the MM-I
>>>>> http://www.imx.nl/photo/leica/camera/styled-50/
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