[Leica] Lightroom Problems

Gerry Walden gerry.walden at icloud.com
Wed May 6 14:13:41 PDT 2015

You can rename files in LR with no problem at all, which is what I did. I anticipated that if I renamed a file the associated .xmp file would also be renamed. That is what I believed and is logical, but it didn’t happen. Whether I can now isolate those .xmp files in such a way as to safely rename them so that they will reconnect with their appropriate raw files I am not so sure.


Gerry Walden
023 8046 3076

> On 6 May 2015, at 21:24, Sonny Carter <sonc.hegr at gmail.com> wrote:
> Bridge does it.
> http://tv.adobe.com/watch/creative-suite-podcast-designers/batch-rename-files-with-custom-strings-in-bridge-cs5-/
> On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Gerry Walden <gerry.walden at icloud.com>
> wrote:
>> That is a good thought Peter which I will look into. Thank you for the
>> suggestion.
>> Gerry
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 6 May 2015, at 18:57, Peter Dzwig <pdzwig at summaventures.com> wrote:
>>> Gerry,
>>> do you have a package that will allow you to do a bulk rename? It would
>> be a bit
>>> tedious, but you ought then to be able to rename all the .xmp files
>> according to
>>> your new convention.
>>> Peter
>>>> On 06/05/2015 14:55, Gerry Walden wrote:
>>>> I am having problems with Lightroom and I am not sure of a way out of
>> it. I will try and explain.
>>>> My numbering system for images was to start with a year number followed
>> by W for Walden, and this was done in-camera so I would end up with a
>> number such as 14W3257, but I decided this would date an image too clearly
>> to viewers so I decided to replace the initial number with letters based on
>> the alphabet, and I have done this through Lightroom.  This means the
>> example above would become ADW-3257 instead. What has happened is that
>> whilst the image file has been renumbered the associated .xmp file has not
>> been resulting in the loss of all captioning for the renumbered files. The
>> disassociated .xmp files are appearing in LR in what I can best describe as
>> blank slides (i.e. no image) and showing the original file number. These
>> are marked ‘!’ as missing.
>>>> It is relatively easy to re-associate them on a one-to-one basis but
>> this is very tedious, and despite putting questions on the Adobe forums and
>> Luminous Landscape nobody has so far come up with an answer.
>>>> I am posting this here partly to warn others that this could happen,
>> and secondly to see if anybody can suggest a viable solution. I am now
>> converting images I know to be OK to .dng files in the hope that it will
>> not happen again.
>>>> Gerry.
>>>> Gerry Walden
>>>> www.gwpics.com
>>>> Fujifilm X-World Photographer
>>>> +44 (0)23 8046 3076 or
>>>> +44 (0)797 287 7932
>>>> Gerry Walden
>>>> 023 8046 3076
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>>> --
>>> ===========================================================
>>> Dr Peter Dzwig
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> -- 
> Regards,
> Sonny
> http://sonc.com/look/
> Natchitoches, Louisiana
> 1714
> Oldest Permanent Settlement in the Louisiana Purchase
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