[Leica] OT: Nik & Yosemite

John McMaster john at mcmaster.co.nz
Sat May 2 14:02:47 PDT 2015

I do not use it often but SEP has stopped working for me, I downloaded the latest software from Google and installed it over the top of my licenced products (as they say to do), the install picked up all the required software (various PhotoShop and LightRoom apps) but once I right click > export in LR 6 (or 5) the only Nik option is HDR Pro. 

If I open SEP directly I get no options to load files, or any top toolbar options at all....  I get the same with Analog Efex, Color Efex and SEP,  but Define, HDR Efex, Sharpener and Viveza all seem to work fine.

Does anybody have SEP working properly on a fully patched 10.10.3?


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