[Leica] Starbuckiana & a new boss

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Tue Mar 31 18:15:46 PDT 2015

Went to my local Starbucks for a quick coffee and had my new iPhone 5S. 
Needed new phone as reception in overly insulated house is appalling, but 
went for the 5S as the new 6 is just too big for my pocket - cue Mae West 
quote. So tested the camera out and was surprised at the good results 
considering it's just a phone. Set it to Leica MM setting and these 
resulted. Goes from 1 to 5 and No. 2 is best, but continue to see new boss 
at the overly insulated house.

http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/DouglasBray/Starbuck1.jpg.html and click to 


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