[Leica] RIP, my newspaper

George Lottermoser george.imagist at icloud.com
Sun Mar 29 11:24:35 PDT 2015

I recommend caution when using catch all phrases like "dumbing down."

I definitely see the the internet, and accompanying technology, making it easier than ever to Create; books; music; conceptual art across all mediums and and including new mediums and media.

The smart and intelligent have incredible resources for researching and finding information on virtually any subject: health, history, literature, poetry, music, film, visual art of any sort, including photography.

Certainly we can also point to a glut of dumb shit; but that has always been the case. 

Thanks to the internet, and many on this very list, I was able to meet with my urologist, for the first time, with a wide and deep knowledge of terminology, tests, treatments, meanings of numbers, and all of the procedures surrounding an Enlarged Prostate (BPH) and Prostate CA. I don't consider that a "coarsening and dumbing down of our culture." On the contrary I consider it empowering.

a note off the iPad, George

On Mar 29, 2015, at 2:05 AM, Peter Klein <boulanger.croissant at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks, George. I do wish the things I care about weren't go down the drain
> quite as fast as they seem to be sometimes. But between the Internet making
> it impossible to do most creative things except for free, and
> the coarsening and general dumbing down of our culture

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