[Leica] Shooting less
Ted Grant
tedgrant at shaw.ca
Fri Mar 27 10:06:20 PDT 2015
Tina Manley offered:
Subject: Re: [Leica] Shooting less
>>>>>>>>>>>Thanks, Les, but when I am in a place where I'm not likely to
ever be
again, I tend to take more photos rather than less. I don't want to get
home and find that I should have waited five minutes and taken another
photo when the background was less distracting or the people more engaging
or the sun breaks out from the clouds. It does make editing a long,
arduous process, but coming home without the photos I went to get would be
even worse.<<<<<<<<<<<<
Hi Tina,
I believe there are possibly "two photo type coverages" being discussed
Tina, you and I are photojournalists in more of the sense of telling a story
or doing a documentary in our coverage of location or subjects. Ours?
Completely different to the amateur folks
1/ There are photographers who's desires of picture taking are covered on a
holiday or a hometown event, sports etc. where it generally covers what they
require...... a few good photos. Even on a holiday possibly a few? And
that's cool.
2/ Then you or I go on a shoot and we visually re-act to everything we are
turned on by! CLICK! Without any thought about numbers, only in-depth
content coverage. But our reactions are automatic in a visual
aspect........... not "HOW MANY!"
EXAMPLE: Assignments I was sent on to document say drilling for oil or
natural gas there was never any thoughts about shooting the number of
frames? If anything the question was always "TAKE ENOUGH FILM AND WILL 400
ROLLS OF 36 exp. 35mm FILM Be ENOUGH?" Certainly if you are on a drilling
rig out on the Atlantic Ocean! :-) Trust me there aren't any shops out there
for film! :-)
And a question for all??
If you go to a location, country, whatever the situation and you're not
likely ever to go again in your life? And you are a photographer, amateur or
professional? Why would you ever consider shooting less?
Obviously if you only have a couple of rolls of film might be a
But let's say the location is the CONGO on a safari? Wouldn't you take a 100
rolls or close to that? WHY? Well you just never know what will, might or
could happen and you've only taken a few rolls because "You don't intend on
taking???? "TOO MANY FRAMES??" Oh well to each his own I suppose!
Dr. ted
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 9:45 AM, Les Myers <baroque-2 at inbox.com> wrote:
> Hi Tina- Steve's suggestion to "shoot less" hit home with me soon after I
> got my first (slow) digital camera. It took a long time to write to the
> card. Having shot 35mm and 2 1/4 formats for many years, I was not in the
> habit of squeezing the shutter button and blasting away, unless I was
> photographing sports or some sort of action When I did present myself
> a plethora of digital images of the same subject, editing just about drove
> me crazy. One nano-inch difference between frame 34 to frame 35- that sort
> of thing. These days I shoot both film and digital, but I am conservative.
> I will shoot more film frames of important subjects than I will with
> digital because sometimes I... ahem ... screw up the film developing by
> faulty rolling on the reel and two surfaces will stick together. This is
> more than you need to know.
> Les
> > Message: 8
> > Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 20:20:28 -0700
> > From: Steve Barbour <steve.barbour at gmail.com>
> > To: Leica LUG <lug at leica-users.org>
> > Subject: [Leica] Shoot less... ?
> > Message-ID: <561EB193-0BEC-4600-BDE1-B7BBA7DDC22D at gmail.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> >
> > Tina, a number of Luggers have suggested somehow showing less, ie being
> > selective....
> >
> > Is it not true that this suggestion applies to shooting ?
> >
> >
> > steve
> >
> >
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Tina Manley
Leica Users Group.
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