[Leica] Photo show dissent

John McMaster john at mcmaster.co.nz
Mon Mar 23 14:11:15 PDT 2015

That is my attitude, I see no distinctions but most have strengths and weaknesses (e.g. I am no good at 'formal' portraits)


-----Original Message-----

As a photographer who also hired photographers . . .

. . . the appellation Fine Arts Photography (er) was an automatic disqualifier.


It told me the supplicant hadn't done basic background work about the company I worked for or the assignment up for hire.

Also found it pretentious. Why would an artist, fine or otherwise, approach me for work?

Let clients, customers, collectors, galleries, museums and such attach labels -- as is their wont.

We can shoot and enjoy it. Or we can't.

We can meet clients' needs. Or we can't.

We are photographers.

We don't need other names, adjectives, pejoratives, or hectoring imprecations.

Greg Rubenstein

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