[Leica] Common sense

Chris Crawford chris at chriscrawfordphoto.com
Sun Mar 22 18:07:41 PDT 2015

Larry, you¹re wrong. This issue was settled 100 years ago. End of
discussion. That so many photographers keep shitting on their own medium
so much is a result of ignorance and stupidity, and likely a lot of
psychological insecurity.

I¹m intelligent, educated, and confident in the worth of my work. Work
that has been in exhibits in museums and art galleries around the United
States.I studied photography in the fine arts department of Indiana
University. IU is a major American university with an international
reputation. It is not run by fools. They would not teach photography in
the art department if it were something else. That¹s true of every major
University in America and every art school.

What makes you so much smarter than all these art schools and universities
and all of the art museums that collect and show photography as art? That
statement you made is incredibly disrespectful to me and to every one else
on this list and every photographer who makes art.

I think that a lot of camera owners just plain don¹t LIKE photography.
They like fondling gear, but the pictures mean nothing and they exude
contempt and jealousy of those who are capable of doing something
meaningful and worthwhile with it. I see this all the time on other
internet photo forums and I occasionally see it in person. Its sad, and I
feel bad for them, but I¹ll be damned if I let them push that stupidity
without challenge.

Oh, and I can paint and draw. I CHOOSE photography because I like it and
it suits my purpose, not because I can¹t draw and its the next best thing.

Chris Crawford
Fine Art Photography
Fort Wayne, Indiana

http://www.chriscrawfordphoto.com  My portfolio

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On 3/22/15, 7:20 PM, "Larry Zeitlin via LUG" <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:

> Photography, painting, writing. gourmet cooking, hitting a golf ballI,
>acting, shooting a three pointer. It's all art, isn't it? But pretending
>that a camera and a paint brush are the same thing is either overly
>wishful thinking or a perversion of common sense.
>Larry Z
>Leica Users Group.
>See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information

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