[Leica] Common sense

Richard Man richard at imagecraft.com
Sun Mar 22 16:31:12 PDT 2015

You are not the only photographers who say things like that. I feel  very
sad when I see statements like that. Art should not be pigeonholed, least
of all by the artists themselves. Chinese calligraphy doesn't look like
Chinese painting, but it is said to be the highest form of Chinese arts. If
you don't see yourself making art, then it will never be "art."
On Mar 22, 2015 4:21 PM, "Larry Zeitlin via LUG" <lug at leica-users.org>

>  Photography, painting, writing. gourmet cooking, hitting a golf ballI,
> acting, shooting a three pointer. It's all art, isn't it? But pretending
> that a camera and a paint brush are the same thing is either overly wishful
> thinking or a perversion of common sense.
> Larry Z
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