[Leica] Lens hoods???
Mark Rabiner
mark at rabinergroup.com
Sun Mar 22 12:30:22 PDT 2015
I got a bellows hood for my Hassy system for chump change when the digital
thing hit boy was I a happy guy. Had seen those in the catalog for decades
ever since I was 12. Always thought they were super cool. Unless maybe a
wind came...
On 3/22/15 3:22 PM, "George Lottermoser" <george.imagist at icloud.com> wrote:
> On Mar 22, 2015, at 12:57 AM, John McMaster wrote:
>> but I pretty much always put a hood on a lens.
> yup. generally more pros than cons with this simple piece of kit.
> with digital it's so easy to to do a simple field test
> for flare and and contrast.
> In most cases I've seen increase in micro contrast when a hood is attached.
> And yes. Compendium hoods and matte boxes with appropriate masks can be used
> to great effect;
> especially with tricky edge lighting.
> Regards,
> George Lottermoser
> http://www.imagist.com
> http://www.imagist.com/blog
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/imagist
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