[Leica] For Sale.... Wheeler Dealer Buy a new lens to go with that M Body!

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Sat Mar 21 13:07:21 PDT 2015

Ok I found something

The old MP came out in 1956 and was a PJ version of the M3 and had a
Leicavit on it. They took off the self timer.
You couldn't be anybody to get one the  camera was restricted to ³bonafide
working press photographers.²
They made 449 of them.
They were like a prelude to an M2.

On 3/19/15 4:14 PM, "Frank Filippone" <red735i at verizon.net> wrote:

> I thought the MP had an electric shutter, like the M7?????
> I could change the wording, if you prefer......
> But if you buy it, that would save me some effort.....Interested?
> Frank Filippone
> Red735i at verizon.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+red735i=verizon.net at leica-users.org] On Behalf
> Of Lew Schwartz
> Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 12:47 PM
> To: Leica Users Group
> Subject: Re: [Leica] For Sale.... Wheeler Dealer Buy a new lens to go with
> that M Body!
> Isn't the MP more recent?
> -Lew Schwartz
>> Do you still shoot film?  The M6 is the most recent, metered by battery,
>> mechanical camera   Take out the battery and you have the same function as
> a
>> late M4/M3/M2!)
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Mark William Rabiner

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