[Leica] Tina's softness/sharpness/focus issue - might be solved, in part

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 11:47:11 PDT 2015

All of the above.  What is Light Table?  Goggle doesn't know.


On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 2:37 PM, George Lottermoser <
george.imagist at icloud.com> wrote:

> Problem with this:
> Help editing to what criteria?
> 1) Marketability?
> 2) Photojournalistic power?
> 3) Pictorialness?
> 4) Personal taste?
> 5) Aesthetic power
> 6) So-called Decisive Moments?
> 7) Developing a "Consistent Body of Work?"
> 8) Making a mark within the "History of Photography?"
> 9) Developing a unique personal statement about Cuba?
> 10) A feature article?
> And no matter what criteria you may be attempting to edit towards
> The only way I could imagine "helping" you would be if I had access to
> Light Table.
> Looking at one or two raw, unfinished samples at a time doesn't make for
> any sort of sane editing decisions; even if I knew what the editorial
> criteria and goals were; which I don't.
> Which is pretty much why I haven't been commenting on your Cuba photos.
> You're showing a very loosely edited collection of unfinished travel
> photographs.
> I simply enjoy them on that level; a simple sharing of your trip.
> a note off the iPad, George
> On Mar 20, 2015, at 9:02 PM, Tina Manley <tmanley at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I should make it clear that this is MY problem, not the problem of anyone
> > who is trying to help.  It is my trap that I have made for myself.  I
> need
> > to learn to filter out what I can use and what is irrelevant to my
> > editing.  I take every comment entirely too seriously which is a problem
> I
> > have had all of my life and has nothing to do with fiddling with exposure
> > settings or anything else.  I just need help editing content.  I would
> love
> > to hire a full-time editor. I can't.  I appreciate any comments I can get
> > on content.
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Tina Manley

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