[Leica] Some say Hasselblad must only be used on tripod...

Ted Grant tedgrant at shaw.ca
Tue Mar 17 09:22:13 PDT 2015

Hi Mark,
Naw it was being on the go all the time back and forth in Canada coast to
coast, the USA quite often. Not much sit around time "shooting flowers!" ;-)

Yes and I too played high school football for two years and hockey in the
winter from a little kid! No different today! I walk nearly everyday for 45
minutes logging distants and time. Hell yes some days it's tough as one
comes-up to the magical youthful age of 86 on May 27th/2015.

And yes some days it's hell. But I'll be damned if I'm going to end-up
watching TV most days sitting on my ass! OLD? Heck that's an unfortunate
attitude for some folks.:-(  By the same token I have days when the attitude
hardly get's one out of bed! AND I HATE IT WITH A VENGANCE! I'll never be
"OLD!" I'll politely be an "ELDER!"  ;-)

But the days of the Hassies was great. Although so often I wished they had
36 exposure rolls!! ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+tedgrant=shaw.ca at leica-users.org] On Behalf Of
Mark Rabiner
Sent: March-17-15 8:54 AM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: Re: [Leica] Some say Hasselblad must only be used on tripod...

You must have had some kind of exercise routine to build up that kind of
core strength. I think right out of high school I may have been almost that
strong. And I played high school football.

On 3/17/15 11:30 AM, "Ted Grant" <tedgrant at shaw.ca> wrote:

> Yes and I too used Hassleblads..... 3 x 500C's....1 X SWC  The 500c's
> often all three at the same time no different than using 3 LEICA "M's" at
> the same time. One on each shoulder and one around the neck! All different
> lenses. Or two 500 C's one on each shoulder and the SWC on the neck. A
> couple of magazines in the PHOTO-VEST pouches and a half dozen rolls of
> film.
> Yep and the assignment dictated using a tripod or not. About 95% of the
> hand held. "FLASH?" please explain meaning of the word "FLASH?"  :-) Thank
> you.
> cheers,
> Dr. ted :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+tedgrant=shaw.ca at leica-users.org] On Behalf
> Mark Rabiner
> Sent: March-17-15 6:45 AM
> To: Leica Users Group
> Subject: Re: [Leica] Some say Hasselblad must only be used on tripod...
> Lots of people who did everything with a Hasselblad and no tripod also did
> most of that with a flash. You could do that at 1/500th of a second and be
> there.
> Hasselblad use has an unusual effect in which people swear you have to use
> tripod or that its made for hand held use.. And never the twain show meet.
> Me I did a whole lot of all combinations including flash with tripod both.
> The tripod was more about continuity and convenience that solidity when
> with a flash. When you shoot a Polaroid and use a tripod obviously you get
> the same shot when you switch to a roll film back.
> On 3/16/15 6:47 PM, "Bill Pearce" <billcpearce at cox.net> wrote:
>> During my film days, I shot mostly Hasselblad. Almost never did I use a
>> tripod. Most stuff was on workers in refineries, chemical plants and fab
>> shops. Photos were always sharp, and the camera was a pleasure to use
>> handheld. Lots of weddings were shot by others the same way.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: philippe.amard
>> Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 1:35 PM
>> To: Leica Users Group
>> Subject: Re: [Leica] Some say Hasselblad must only be used on tripod...
>> The tripod should be used first - crutches never work as well
>> afterwards and after all
>> Nice trove
>> Amities
>> Ph
>> Le 16 mars 15 à 11:12, Richard Man a écrit :
>>> But then, there is this:
>>> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-m_DsaWkAEsTMr.png:large
>>> -- 
>>> // richard <http://www.richardmanphoto.com>
>>> // http://facebook.com/richardmanphoto
>>> // https://www.facebook.com/Transformations.CosplayPortraits
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Mark William Rabiner

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