[Leica] IMG: ISO1600 Distagon test

John McMaster john at mcmaster.co.nz
Tue Mar 3 23:04:15 PST 2015

Give it time, you would not have bought a Hasselblad 60mm 15 or 20 years ago ;-)

From:  Richard Man <richard at richardmanphoto.com>

Hey John, some of us are in the poor house!

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 10:33 PM, John McMaster <john at mcmaster.co.nz> wrote:

> Only 10,000 for the Monochrom. Also if you feel the Hassleblad Zeiss
> lenses giving the Leica M lenses a run for the money try the Leica S
> 45mm....... ;-)
> john
> ________________________________________
> From:  Richard Man <richard at richardmanphoto.com>
> Yes, I know ISO 1600 is so yesterday with MM going up to ISO 100,000, but
> hey if anything can give Leica a run for the money, it would be the
> Hasselblad Zeiss lens...
> Just a test of the 60 Distagon I am renting. Tri-X ISO 1600 (why 1600?
> Because I was taking some very dark indoor scenes earlier) with Diafine.
> Pretty sweet...
> http://richardmanphoto.com/PICS/20150303-Scanned-805.jpg
> --
> // richard <http://www.richardmanphoto.com>
> // http://facebook.com/richardmanphoto
> // https://www.facebook.com/Transformations.CosplayPortraits

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