[Leica] You know those PanaLeicas......

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Mon Mar 2 22:32:36 PST 2015

The German website manager-magazin.de published an article about the
potential replacement of the current Leica Camera CEO Alfred Schopf. I was
told that this is not the first and it is not going to be last change in top
management. There are rumors that Blackstone is not happy with the current
performance of the German camera manufacturer. Some reports even suggest
that Blackstone Capital is looking to quickly "dump" their Leica investment
and Panasonic is most likely the candidate for replacement. There have been
unconfirmed reports that Leica recently posted internal losses in all but 2
global markets which could explain the recent US discounts. There seems to
be also some issues with licensing fees for the use of the Leica brand name.


>From  LeicaRumors.com: http://leicarumors.com



Frank Filippone

Red735i at verizon.net


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