[Leica] Prints are way too dark. Driven to distraction
Aram Langhans
leica_r8 at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 1 13:23:53 PST 2015
Similar. I noticed that, too. No matter how I calibrate the monitor, the
prints are always darker than the monitor. Whether I was printing myself,
or using Costso. Since two outputs were giving me the same results, my
input must be at fault. So, then, I learned a few years ago to turn the
monitor down. I downloaded Color HCFR and got it to work with my Spyder and
found out the monitor was WAY to bright. The profile software for Spyder
did not adjust the monitor brightness. I had to turn my monitor (Dell 1224
IPS) down to 17 to get to the recommended brightness. It looks pretty dark
compared to my other monitor, but it works. Prints are dead on from monitor
to my printer (R3000) or to Costco. The trend in consumer monitors seems to
be bright and saturated, but that does not translate to a standard print
file, evidentially.
so, try getting the HCFR Colorimeter program and see if you can get it to
work on your Monki. The crank that monitor brightness down.
From: "Robert Adler" <rgacpa at gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2015 4:02 PM
To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at leica-users.org>
Subject: Re: [Leica] Prints are way too dark. Driven to distraction
> Personally, I don't think your missing anything Lew. Even though these
> calibrations are supposed to calibrate for "luminance", I tend to turn my
> monitor down 2-4 stops to match a standard calibration chart that I've
> printed on my printer. Then I adjust in CC or LR on a monitor that has
> been
> darkened by the above process. Seems really dumb, but it works...
> Best,
> Bob
> PS-Please let me know if you find out differently!
> On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Lew Schwartz <lew1716 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm printing on Epson Proofing, using LR 5.7, Epson 4880, ViewSonic
>> monitor
>> and I've just re-profiled monitor and printer using colormunki, plus I
>> confirm that both monitor and printer are using the new profiles. The
>> resulting prints are aprox 2- 4 stops too dark. Too dark is an on going
>> problem for me, LR, the 4880 and this monitor; I expected things to get
>> better after the colormunki stuff. I've just been winging a solution in
>> the
>> past by using the exposure control in the LR develop module and the
>> brightness setting in the print module. Not a great solution, but
>> workable.
>> Now, with these new profiles, I'm not even close. WTF? Things are way
>> worse. What am I missing?
>> -Lew Schwartz
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> --
> Bob Adler
> www.robertadlerphotography.com
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