[Leica] Reliving My NYC Thanks to Tina M.

Leon Pomeroy drleonpomeroy at verizon.net
Tue Jun 23 20:23:23 PDT 2015


You're welcome Tina. I'm happy to hear your daughter is ok and looks forward
to returning. It is a safer city post-911; but they have a new mayor who
appears to be off to a bad start. I too enjoy return visits. I did so
recently with my young niece who wore me out as she chased after the sites
and photo-ops. There is energy in the air, and young people everywhere, and
that feels good! Keep sharing your great B&W images, Leon 


"Thank you, Leon!  I enjoyed reading your words.  My daughter was mugged

when she lived in New York City a few years ago.  She was walking home from

the subway ride from one of the three jobs she had to be able to afford an

apartment in Brooklyn.  She loved it anyway and still dreams of moving

back.  I like to visit ;-) Tina "

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