[Leica] I'm still here!

Jeff Moore jbmmllug at jbm.org
Tue Jun 16 17:16:23 PDT 2015

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 5:18 PM, Ted Grant <tedgrant at shaw.ca> wrote:

> Sorry lads & ladies a bit of a bad day and the LUG happened to be my
> friends to talk with. Sorry.

No need to apologize.  We're always glad to hear from you - even if you're
down - and miss you when we don't hear anything for awhile.

This is a family (a weird one, loosely based on people using a certain kind
of camera, but by now evolved into something which has its own independent

I know I treasure the years of sage and often-stern advice from Dr. Ted
(I'm more careful about horizons, and know to JUST PUSH THE BUTTON when
something is happening fast);  I still remember the tale of flying cowflop
from... hell, did you post that back in the 1990s?

I still quote your tale of how to make an art director feel he or she had
made a contribution while the camera and lights gradually moved back to
where you originally knew they belonged...

...and I look forward to our next meeting, because I still haven't gotten
my version of the iconic Ted-flipping-the-bird photo.  Next time I won't
miss it.

So I'm grateful for all you've shared over the years, and I'm happy to hear
whatever you feel like saying whenever you feel like saying it (whether
it's chipper or not).


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