Chris Crawford chris at chriscrawfordphoto.com
Sun Jun 14 17:05:04 PDT 2015

Leica Canned Air: A bargain at $399.00 a can. I bet Mark buys it by the
case to clean his lenses.

On a more serious note, most of the canned air sold in the USA now really
is worthless because it has a chemical added to make it taste bad if
you¹re stupid enough to try and get high by inhaling the stuff. The
problem with this is that the Œbitterant¹ leaves a residue on glass.

You can still buy canned air without the anti-druggie bad taste shit in
it; its sold through industrial supply companies. I get mine from a
company in Ohio called Kimco. Here¹s a link to the stuff I buy:


Chris Crawford
Fine Art Photography
Fort Wayne, Indiana

http://www.chriscrawfordphoto.com  My portfolio

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On 6/14/15, 7:40 PM, "Leo Wesson" <leowesson at gmail.com> wrote:

>I'm sure this is some very fine canned air, no doubt the best you can
>Leo Wesson
>Leica Users Group.
>See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information

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