[Leica] "Old" LR Catalogs

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Thu Jul 30 06:47:45 PDT 2015

While doing some computer backup work, I discovered that LR catalogs and
backups are in a specific folder. 

Not a surprise.

What was a surprise was that every time you close the program or ask LR to
backup your catalog, 

it places a new and complete copy of the entire catalog in your intended

But it does NOT erase the old copy.  So after a period of time, you end up
with a whole bunch of old catalogs.


Now the question is. are these old catalogs of any use or can they be erased
without a problem?


I do realize the last one maybe has some value as a backup, but after a
whole bunch of these, some of which may be more than a year old, you wonder
if the storage space could be recovered.  Thus my question...


Frank Filippone

Red735i at verizon.net


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