[Leica] IMG: A Couple of iPhone Images

Ken Carney kcarney1 at cox.net
Tue Jul 28 15:39:20 PDT 2015

Those are very nice.  I keep putting off an upgrade - I have an iPhone 
4.  It doesn't have a pull-out antenna, but close.


On 7/28/2015 3:13 PM, Jim Nichols wrote:
> I'm trying to get up to speed with a new smart phone, a first for me. 
> I've had it about 24 hours.  As I stopped by the airport after a 
> training class, I spotted a beautiful Howard DGA-15P, from 1944. Since 
> the only camera I had was the iPhone, it had to do the job.
> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/Howard+DGA+edit.JPG.html
> As I walked around the airplane, I spotted my reflection in a nearby 
> window.  You don't need a selfie stick in order to take a selfie image.
> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/Selfie+in+Window.jpg.html
> Comments and critiques welcomed.

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