[Leica] Let me sing the praise of Silverfast

Richard Man richard at richardmanphoto.com
Fri Jul 17 15:02:42 PDT 2015

I have used Vuescan for over 10+ years. Love it.

However, my recent bouts with scanning Portra 160 4x5 with the Epson V700
leaves something to be desired. Part of the problem is that in one batch
when I switched to Kodak Flexicolor chemical, I did not notice that I need
much more solution than the Tentanal. Oops. But even the better processed
negs they always have some issues with Vuescan.

Finally I have a couple days to look at the issues. I tried the latest
Vuescan (9.16) and tweaked and... almost OK, but still. Tried EpsonScan and
it's better but still....

The V700 comes with a stripped down copy of SilverFast 6.6. It's OK but the
negafix profile is only for Portra 160-NV/VC, not the latest generation.
Then I found out that the latest release, as of Jan 2015, they finally
released the Negafix profile for Portra 160 and 400, and... it's pretty
darn good. It took some additional tweaking, but Silverfast does give you
lots of control.

Silverfast pricing is out-of-whack (per scanner license), but at least the
freebie bundle actually qualifies for an upgrade price. I will almost
certainly purchase another license for the LS-9000 also.

Sample can be seen from my other message on Mr. Joe Haldeman
// richard <http://www.richardmanphoto.com>
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