[Leica] Southampton City Mission Outreach

George Lottermoser george.imagist at icloud.com
Tue Jul 7 07:56:51 PDT 2015

On Jul 7, 2015, at 2:25 AM, Gerry Walden wrote:

> A short time ago I worked with Southampton City Mission to produce some images of an outreach project into a local school. I chose to show these in b&w but they have since asked for 6 to be available to them in colour. All images were taken with the Fuji X-Pro1, and all processing was in LR CC. Here is a link:
> http://archive.gwpics.com/…/Southampton-Ci…/G0000b8xLjWiZHYE <http://archive.gwpics.com/gallery/Southampton-City-Mission-Outreach/G0000b8xLjWiZHYE>I have cross-posted this in the new Facebook LUG, so need to comment in both places, but comments are welcomed.

Very well done Gerry.

Love that you're shooting from within the activity in many of the photographs.

George Lottermoser 


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