[Leica] Hong Kong MTR album posting

Henning Wulff hjwulff at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 21:03:14 PST 2015

The first one is the one that stands out. Literally. The others, while they communicate the feel of the MTR, lack focus. The last one, in pano, is probably the best of those, as the more central placement allows more focus on the somnambulant man. That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. :-)


On 2015-01-05, at 7:26 PM, Greg Rubenstein <gcr910 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, group.
> Back from Hong Kong and shot a great deal on the city's MTR. Still many
> images to sift through, but have posted eight (seven,a actually; one
> cropped two ways). The space, people and dynamics fascinate me. Also have
> images from outside the trains, but have not processed and posted them yet.
> Critiques, comments and such on- and/or off-list welcomed as I try to
> figure out what to do with this stuff.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/gcr910/Hong+Kong+MTR+2014/
> Thank you in advance for looking and, with luck, setting me on the right
> path (if there is one).
> Greg Rubenstein
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Henning Wulff
hjwulff at gmail.com

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