[Leica] OH well? ;-) Babies?

philippe.amard philippe.amard at sfr.fr
Tue Jan 20 01:10:30 PST 2015

I always knew you were a fast shooter ;-)

Photos or it ain't true!

Congrats to the whole expanding family from over the pond :-)

Stay well, and keep shooting them all ;-)


Le 20 janv. 15 à 08:34, Ted Grant a écrit :

> You know they seem to happen in nine months? Most kids and relevant
> children!
> HOWEVER???????????????? When you are the Grand Father and a couple  
> of your
> grandsons and their adorable beautiful wives! :-)
> It seems "You can become a "GREAT GRAND-FATHER TWICE WITHIN 30  
> DAYS!!!!!!"
> Yep, Great Grand Daughter Lyla-Irene arrived here in Victoria a week  
> before
> Christmas 2014! LIKE WOW!:-)
> She and her mother have survived well and both are doing just fine.  
> GRANDPA? Holy cow I just aged another 50 years or so!:-)
> Last evening in Ottawa, Canada?? Great Grandson Jeremy David arrived  
> a month
> early and popped out like pop-corn! Doctor said "PUSH...... No don't  
> push
> again he's arrived!"
> So here I sit a "Great Grand Father" twice in less than 30  
> days!! :-) Now
> that's kind cool! :-)
> Hey that's very cool indeed, given my nearly now 86 years when due the
> wildness of my photographic career I never ever figured I'd live  
> past 40-41?
> And here I am a Great Grandfather twice within 30 days? What can one  
> say
> but? "WAY COOL!" And smile and love them with all that you have! My  
> dearest
> wife Irene would've been a fantastic Great Grandma! But she will  
> know! love
> you girl! :-)
> cheers,
> ted :-)
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to the eye. Antoine de Saint Exupéry in Le Petit Prince.

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