[Leica] New Monochrome? EVERYONE!

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Fri Jan 16 19:31:38 PST 2015

Ted My first developer was Acufine and they told you to shoot tri x at 800
so I did so.  It said it on the can. For a few years. This was 1965. Seemed
to come out ok to me plenty of shadow detail.
I could ask you this. Did you ever shoot Tri x at iso 200? I'm going to
guess no. Only because I cant think of a reason... but I bet you tried it at
iso 1600 because that's been a very popular thing among pros over the years;
seeing how far we can push tri x.  I know a lot of tri x was exposed at 800
over the years by top people who would never dream of shooting the stuff at
400.  with certain developers like Acufine I think we can keep shadow detail
with pushing.  And some other film developers but you have to know which
For me keeping it simple stupid has meant using the iso or as we used to say
ASA on the box with few exceptions.

But as far as "pushing" your digital stuff goes I have little idea what
they're talking about. Its not like you soup the stuff afterward.
With digital I think the zone system goes down the tubes and lots of other
stuff because if it looks good at the back of the camera then it is sure as
hell going to look good later.
Would love to be shooting with the Leica Monochrom. I think that would be an
inspiring experience which would result in some solid images. I'd say
goodbye to cheesy color image making.
If Leica was smart they'd send one to both of us. We'd make them look good.

On 1/16/15 2:08 PM, "Ted Grant" <tedgrant at shaw.ca> wrote:

> Mark Rabiner OFFERED:
>>>> Well the idea that we're getting into an era now where sensor speed is
> not
> like film speed at all and is handled  much differently.
> If that's what's happening its not a question of my or anyone's opinion we
> just do it. I can guess and guess wrong if that's really going to happen or
> not. Feels wrong to me. I don't like it. But I'm wrong myself at least once
> a week.<<<<<<<
> Hi Mark.
> When a post such as yours opens and mentions things about pushing and
> pulling film I "ALWAYS LEARN SOME THING ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHY!" That I was never
> aware of during all my years of film use and processing. Certainly much of
> the theories and practices. Quite amazing I ever made photography as a
> career as successful as it has been for 65 years.
> In many cases I don't have a clue what the words mean and that my negs
> turned out as well as they did even when making 16X20 exhibition prints on
> double weight matt paper for a few high end galleries.
> It seems I was always shooting even in all those years in a form of "KISS"
> without realizing I was doing so. It's no wonder I confess quite openly
> about my lack of understanding of and dismissal of the mired of electronic
> TECHIE STUFF of our modern day equipment / processing etc!
> And most certainly the many many items you lads discuss quite openly! You
> might as well be speaking in the "MARTIAN LANGUAGE!"
> To me as long as the captured image looks "REAL COOL!" that's all that
> matters. All those fancy names, measurements, circular doo-dads don't matter
> as long as excellent images completely push all that stuff aside. And it
> doesn't really matter how it's done? As long as you've a beautiful captured
> life moment!
> You name it in gear?  If I should purchase a new lens I don't buy it then
> try it out as I already know what I'll use it for.
> Like out of box, "click on Camera and into photo battle without a bunch of
> testing and asking questions of others and their results and thoughts? As
> long as I've stayed with LEICA all these years, even though at times they've
> completely "pissed me off no end!" I have been most successful in all the
> various venues and assignments about the world and across the continents all
> these years with published works. Because of my LEICA'S"  AND KISS! :-)
> At times I feel I should become serious and learn all the fancy words and
> what they do etc.
> But then I find a word or words I can't even pronounce and my immediate
> response is????? "SCREW IT!" As I immediately know what my "KISS" means and
> 99.9% the style there of? It has never failed me. Well? Once! I forgot to
> put film in the camera! :-)  DON'T TELL! ;-)
> Heck today I don't even know all the LEICA versions on the market, but who
> cares? Bottom line? If you don't have the income to buy any of them?  "WHO
> CARES HOW MANY AND HOW GOOD?" And if you let oneself become all fussed-up
> about it? All that's going to do is have you throwing-up your breakfast
> because you've let yourself get all upset "OVER DIDDLY-SQUAT!" You can't buy
> it? Get over it! "WHO CARES?"
> Just a Friday morning passing thought.
> Have a good weekend CREW! :-)
> ted  :-)
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Mark William Rabiner

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