[Leica] Long term M7 satisfaction?
Tina Manley
tmanley at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 07:52:15 PST 2015
Mitch -
I have had my M7 since 2002. I also have 6 M6's. The M7 is as reliable as
the M6. I used it constantly all over the world until I switched to
digital - a necessity, not a choice.
I would not hesitate to depend on the the M7. I send all of my cameras in
for CLA after major disasters - such as dropping them in a river or down a
mountain - but otherwise they are not treated with kid gloves! I use them
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Mitch Zeissler <zeissler at mac.com> wrote:
> This is to all the M7 users out there.
> I've been searching high and low online for anecdotes of long term M7
> reliability and satisfaction (and I'm talking years, not a few days, weeks,
> or months). I know about the early issues with the mechanical DX reader,
> the switch to the MP viewfinder later in production, etc. What I'm
> interested in is whether the M7 is more/same/less reliable than an M6, M6
> TTL, or MP, particularly the electronically controlled shutter curtains.
> Anytime I read about an M7 issue, it's usually followed by a dog pile of
> non-M7 users just dragging it through the mud – like it's the modern
> version of the M5.
> I've got an M7 and like it, though I've only had it for a few months (it
> has the optical DX reader [useless for my bulk loaded film] and the MP
> viewfinder upgrade). I've also got an MP and like it. I bought both used
> in great condition, each at an excellent price, and they both date back to
> 2002-2004.
> I recently discovered that my primary hand meter (a Sekonic L-308DC)
> doesn't measure nearly as well in very low light as the M7 does. Actually,
> the hand meter didn't measure anything at all (ISO 50 @ f/1.2), while the
> M7 gave a reading of 3.5 seconds. I've since confirmed this repeatedly;
> once the light gets dim, the M7 begins to really shine and is able to shots
> I simply cannot obtain with the MP. I've got other hand meters and have
> tested them with the same results.
> Up to this point I've been leaning toward the MP and hand meter combo as
> my primary camera. I'm asking because whichever route I go – MP, M7, or
> the new M-A – I'll want a second body of the same model. That way I can
> have a different emulsion in each camera (B+W in one and color in the
> other), and one body can always be used as a backup whenever the other is
> being serviced.
> So based on the low light metering, I'm now flip-flopping on the M7 and
> whether to rely on it as my main camera. An M7 would give me all sorts of
> benefits that the other M bodies would not, but it seems to be treated like
> the red-headed step-child of the modern M cameras.
> What is your experience with the M7? Has it had the same level of
> reliability as the M6 or other M bodies?
> If you don't want an M7 dog pile here, please send me a response privately
> – either way, I'd like to hear about your long term M7 experience.
> Mitch Zeissler
> ===
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Tina Manley
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