[Leica] Olympus 4/3 (previously crop factor)

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Thu Jan 8 20:15:34 PST 2015

I love lenses with tiny outer elements like that. They tend to be wides.
True wides. What's the term? Symmetrical?

On 1/8/15 1:20 PM, "Leica Users Group" <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:

>  Dennis writes:
> "On the technical side, Olympus 4/3rds lenses were designed with
> the exit rays parallel to the sensor. ?Bought the Olympus E-330 in
> May 2006 when released. The E-330. I think,was also the first body
> with self cleaning sensor. Still working today. Always wondered if
> the matched digital lenses picked up on exit rays design. No need
> for micro lenses on outer edges of sensor. Olympus stopped advertising
> this soon after they first released. Think the Panasonic & Leica had
> conventional lenses with 4/3rds mount. Any thoughts on this?"
> - - - -?
> On the technical side Olympus was right. The sensor has no need for
> microlenses but it means that the lenses are physically larger than they need
> be. Successive generations of micro 4/3 lenses have abandoned that concept. I
> have one of the Olympus fixed focus 15mm body cap lenses where the full f8
> aperture is the size of a sesame seed. It takes adequate pictures and is
> always ready but it has the effect of converting your camera into the
> equivalent of a Box Brownie. Although for simple snapshots, that ain't bad.
> Larry Z
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Mark William Rabiner

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