[Leica] IMG: Baltimore bar hopping

Ted Grant tedgrant at shaw.ca
Wed Jan 7 08:52:26 PST 2015

Ric Carter  OFFERED!
To: Leica Users Group; leica at freelists.org; A forum dedicated to the Picture-A-Week project
Subject: [Leica] IMG: Baltimore bar hopping

So, at my age, two bars constitutes "bar hopping."


Hi Ric,
When I mentioned the other day to everyone shooting the one and only photo as so many of the CREW do. Why not "shoot a kind of "Photo essay" built around a story telling project on and about the same subject.

No need to produce a laid out page. But a photo series built around the subject as we see here.

A photo editor/ art director would produce quite an interesting photo story  with this wonderful selection of photos. Basically an excellnt  book of material o create a fine "WEEKEND FEATURE PAGE LAYOUT!"

Think about how many "ONE FLOWER PHOTOS WE SEE?" Why not broaden that out in to a series about the garden itself and or including the "gardener?" as one of the story photos? Your example here is excellent!
Dr. ted

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