[Leica] The myths of crop factor

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Mon Jan 5 19:52:46 PST 2015

I agree though can mainly attest to the way I personally work.
I crop like a son of a gun now. A 20% crop is nothing for me.
Part of it is  I love straightening the perspective of most of my shots.
And its nice to have leeway to do that. Love those parallel lines.
Also part of it is the use of wide angle zooms which I never had with film.
I think shooting loose with wide angle zooms kinds of comes naturally. Or
even just ultra wides and very wides. And darned wides.
And part of it is as you say the quality we are getting is such that we
don't have to worry about trying to keep our magnifications down. We have
much room to spare. Especially if there is a lot of light and we are able to
use a lower ISO. Then its luxury time.

All in all a DSLR is not just an SLR with a D in front of it.
Its a much more capable tool than an SLR ever was.
And begs the question as do we really need medium format.
I used to balk when people would say a DSLR replaced a Hasselblad.
Now I half agree with it.

On 1/5/15 10:19 PM, "Doug Herr" <wildlightphoto at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Mark Rabiner wrote:
>> People always spoke of the sanctity of never cropping their pictures. People
>> in Magnum even did that. But I suspect it was all about the precious thin
>> black borders. A print in the stack with no black border stood out as weak.
> That was when using film.  The idea was to make the best use of a limited
> image capture surface because image detail would be overshadowed by grain when
> enlarged too much.
> The 'rules' have changed in the last ten to fifteen years.  Image detail can
> still be overshadowed by digital noise but the degree of enlargement to reach
> that point is much greater than with film so the 'no cropping' rule may be
> ignored more often.
> Doug Herr
> Birdman of Sacramento
> http://www.wildlightphoto.com
> http://doug-herr.fineartamerica.com
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Mark William Rabiner

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