[Leica] Side by side comparison: Summilux vs LTM Canon Serenar

kyle cassidy on the lug leicaslacker at gmail.com
Fri Jan 2 09:32:08 PST 2015

I’ve been agonizing lately that I may need to upgrade my 1950’s vintage Canon Serenar which has been my 50mm ever since I got my first Leica in 1999. Jim Shulman took pity on me and brought his 1990’s vintage Summilux over and I did a side by side. I discovered that the colors rendition is different, the Serenar is redder/majentier and of course the Summilux focuses more closely and it seems to have slightly more resolving power, or I just focused not as accurately with one. The bokeh is different but not so different that I care too much.

Side by side’s & my thoughts about the two here, along with some 100% crops 

http://kylecassidy.livejournal.com/804209.html <http://kylecassidy.livejournal.com/804209.html> 


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