[Leica] OT: Lightroom Workflow Help

Clive Moss Clive at moss.net
Fri Jan 2 06:28:31 PST 2015

Try this, the kosher approach.:
1) Import your images into the desktop Lightroom catalog.
2) Flag, etc, as needed.
3) Export as catalog from the desktop and move the exported catalog, (the
whole new folder that is created) to your laptop
4) Process on laptop
5) On the desktop, File>Import from Another Catalog and select the the
laptop catalog. You get an option box with choices regarding what to do
with new Photos (which should only appear if you round trip to Photoshop or
Nik or whatever) and what to do with changed existing photographs. You can
choose to replace metadata and develop settings only, or do nothing, or
replace everything. You can also preserve your old settings as a virtual

I always have "Automatically write changes into XMP" checked.

If you move the actual image folder using the finder instead of Lightroom
you can cause complications. If you really want to do that, you can move
(not copy) the image folders to the laptop work on them there, and then
move them back to the desktop. DO NOT IMPORT THEM TO LiGHTROOM. When you
open Lightroom, if you moved them to exactly the same location, they will
be there. If you moved them to a different location or changed the folder
name, you will need to go right click on the folder name in Lightroom, and
go the "Find Missing Folder" routine.

Hope this is clear and that it helps.


On Thu Jan 01 2015 at 9:19:40 PM Robert Adler <rgacpa at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm having some issues with my LR workflow that I'm hoping someone may be
> able to help with.
> What I'm trying to do is load all images from my SD card onto my desktop
> computer (no problem: I can do that...)
> I then want to take files that I've elected (flagged) and move them to my
> laptop for development.
> Then, after working on them on the laptop, move them back into their
> original folder on my desktop.
> Any ideas on how to do this? LR seems to want to import them separately and
> make duplicates, rather than simply replacing the unprocessed file on the
> desktop with the newly processed file on the laptop.
> Thanks for any ideas,
> Bob
> --
> Bob Adler
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