[Leica] Prints are way too dark. Driven to distraction

Lew Schwartz lew1716 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 28 14:02:35 PST 2015

I'm printing on Epson Proofing, using LR 5.7, Epson 4880, ViewSonic monitor
and I've just re-profiled monitor and printer using colormunki, plus I
confirm that both monitor and printer are using the new profiles. The
resulting prints are aprox 2- 4 stops too dark. Too dark is an on going
problem for me, LR, the 4880 and this monitor; I expected things to get
better after the colormunki stuff. I've just been winging a solution in the
past by using the exposure control in the LR develop module and the
brightness setting in the print module. Not a great solution, but workable.
Now, with these new profiles, I'm not even close. WTF? Things are way
worse. What am I missing?

-Lew Schwartz

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