[Leica] Hong Kong Pink Rolls Royce

H&ECummer cummer at netvigator.com
Fri Feb 27 19:17:00 PST 2015

HI Richard,
Hope I am here when you are. If it happens we will go photo safari-ing again.
About the pink Rolls Royce:
"The most notable Roller in the SAR is a hard-to-overlook hot pink number, with the license plate “DEBORAH.” The owner? That would be model agency owner Deborah Valdez-Hung, wife of tycoon Stephen Hung: the very man who put in an order with the UK luxury car company for 30 Rolls-Royce Phantom cars. Doesn’t sound like all that much? Well, it happens to be the largest single order in the company’s history. It’s more than double the previous largest-ever order, the Hong Kong Peninsula hotel’s fleet of 14 cars, ordered in 2006. The cars are bound for Macau, and Hung’s uber-luxury Louis XIII hotel and casino. The resort, slated to open in 2016, will be able to chauffeur its guests around in nouveau-riche extravagance.”

Fm: Richard Mann

Love my people's tackiness :-)

I will be back in HK some times this year, with a 4x5 this time :-)

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 5:38 PM, H&ECummer <cummer at netvigator.com> wrote:

 Hi Luggers,

 I have been on vacation mode from the LUG for some months but have delved

 into the archives from time to time to keep up with the goings-on in the

 LUG Saloon.

 People have been kind to each other - for the most part - which given the

 state of the world - is nice to see.

 Esther and I are now back in Hong Kong awaiting the birth of our third

 grandchild and I have checked in again. Here are the first of Hong Kong

 images to come.





 In Hong Kong - for some - nothing succeeds like excess. This pink Rolls

 Royce is my example.


 For others with money a lower key - non reflective approach is best:


 Witness this dull black Bentley:





 Both taken with Fuji equipment.


 C&C always welcome





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