[Leica] Leica is now selling pre-brassed cameras so every couch potato can look like a badass journalist

Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Tue Feb 24 12:40:04 PST 2015

So, it's a faked-up modern Leica that uses electronics rather than film. They
could at least have produced lenses with old-style numbering etc...oh well!

No, it's not the end of the world as we know it, Kyle. It's just a very silly
camera by a company that often seems to try too hard...and this is an example.


PS I like Kravitz though, glad to know he uses Leicas too.

On 24/02/2015 16:06, kyle cassidy on the lug wrote:
> Even though it’s just out of the box "it appears as if it had been in constant use for decades and would have countless stories to tell."
> I’m not sure which is a bigger blight on humanity, this, or the great Pacific garbage gyre killing all sea life between California and Japan.
> Everybody, join me in a chorus of “It’s the end of the world as we know it”.
> http://en.leica-camera.com/Photography/Leica-M/LEICA-M-P-CORRESPONDENT
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Dr Peter Dzwig				

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