[Leica] Help! My LR v4.4 has some setting wrong, I am stuck.....

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Sun Feb 15 14:26:16 PST 2015

When I import a set of images, LR always does something ( auto?) with the
brightness. The sliders are never at zero once the import is done and I look
at the images.


I have tried to set all the sliders to zero on the last image before

I have made up a preset that has all zeros in the sliders, and used that
during import,

I tried both of these ideas and then imported...

None of these techniques seems to work...


I am at a loss. what am I doing wrong?  Is there some setting to just plain
import without adjustment?



Frank Filippone

Red735i at verizon.net


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