[Leica] Monochrom metadata and uncoded lenses
Steve Barbour
steve.barbour at gmail.com
Sat Feb 14 14:12:22 PST 2015
> On Feb 14, 2015, at 11:58 AM, Lew Schwartz <lew1716 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I marvel that, amid this "verbal tsunami"....
and I marvel that you have summed up the LUG in two words.
> , my question was actually answered!
> Thanks to all who can keep on point.
> -Lew Schwartz
> On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Ted Grant <tedgrant at shaw.ca> wrote:
>> HI Nathan,
>> Yes I'm sure I may have done some of that. But without question because in
>> my case even though having a regular job. Every other minute I was out
>> shooting all kinds of stuff. In many cases during the "long days of summer
>> with light at dawn I was out looking for picture moments until it was time
>> for my regular job. Camera still with me there were all kinds of picture
>> moments in and about Ottawa until sunset and after! J
>> Mine was a week long class room. Some weeks I'd shoot 20 or more rolls a
>> week. Out shooting until darkness before I'd return home. Then soup all the
>> film exposed that day. Make contact proof sheets of all the film from the
>> previous days photo adventures. Saturdays and sometimes on Sunday I was at
>> the local dirt track speedway shooting stock car racing. Irene would sit on
>> the hood of the car parked in the pits watching the race from there. And on
>> occasion would sell 8X10 b&W prints for a dollar to crew members from other
>> pit crews. And we'd go home with $50.oo dollars or more in our pockets! AND
>> A BIG SMILE!:-)
>> I wasnt' a "roll of film a week shooter!" I would buy 100' rolls of tri-x
>> and load my own cassettes! It could be 10 rolls a day or more shooting! My
>> introduction was like walking into a big class room and shoot, shoot day
>> after day. Other photo buddies where always writing stuff down. ME?? I
>> learned by doing so much shooting because so much of it just came naturally
>> without a lot of writing and reading. Or if you read something in a
>> magazine and there was time immediately to try it? I was out the door on a
>> new learning adventure trying whatever the new stuff was. Obviously lots of
>> the nonsensical stuff I never bothered with.
>> Learning portrait lighting my children were still in high chairs. So
>> that's where they were against blank cream white wall while I learned what
>> all kinds of portrait lighting effects were and practiced. And yes
>> (un-willing at times) Irene sat in as an adult model.
>> It was a truly "WE LEARN BY DOING!!!!!!) Not just reading and writing
>> notes! J And a few snaps once in awhile. Irene at times would say "SHE WAS
>> A PHOTO WIDOW!" J But all that paid off in later years!
>> cheers,
>> ted
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+tedgrant=shaw.ca at leica-users.org] On Behalf
>> Of Nathan Wajsman
>> Sent: February-14-15 9:53 AM
>> To: lug Group
>> Subject: Re: [Leica] Monochrom metadata and uncoded lenses
>> Ted, when I was learning photography back in the mid-80s, I did write down
>> exposure data. When you are learning, it can be useful to keep track of
>> aperture and shutter speed, so as to better understand the effect of
>> aperture on depth of field, for example, or shutter speed vs. motion blur.
>> Today, our digital cameras record this info automatically; I doubt that it
>> adds more than €0.10 to the cost of any camera.
>> Cheers,
>> Nathan
>> Nathan Wajsman
>> Alicante, Spain
>> http://www.frozenlight.eu
>> http://www.greatpix.eu
>> PICTURE OF THE WEEK: http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws
>> Blog: http://nathansmusings.wordpress.com/
>> Cycling: http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/belgiangator
>>> On 14 Feb 2015, at 18:45, Ted Grant <tedgrant at shaw.ca> wrote:
>>> Subject: Re: [Leica] Monochrom metadata and uncoded lenses
>>>>> The camera measures the difference between the light coming through the
>>> lens onto the exposure meter cells and the light impinging on the little
>>> frosted plastic window on front of the camera. It calculates from the
>>> difference what the aperture value must be. It is not spot on but good
>>> enough for record keeping.
>>> Frank D.<<<<
>>> HI Frank
>>> Please accept this question not as some "smart-ass question from a
>>> non-technical photographer?"
>>> But please explain in common-man's language "what does much of this
>>> actually do for the quality of the photo content?" I read about this
>> stuff,
>>> then look at some of the captured images with some of these so called
>> wonder
>>> cameras compared to those out of an M3--M5 --M6 and my immediate
>> re-action
>>> If long before all this new fangled whiz-bang "COSTLY MANUFACTURING CAME
>> IN
>>> VOGUE?" Creating a double, nay a tripling in some cases of a Leica cost.
>>> Along with so much other weird named stuff?
>>> Many many people shot magnificent photo moments of incredible subjects
>> and
>>> captured "LIFE TIME MOMENTS!". And some if not many? Are still doing so!
>>> This stuff we're talking about, does it really really make your photos
>> rate
>>> being on the cover of "LIFE? LOOK" PARIS MATCH, DER SPEGIAL????? NATIONAL
>>> GEO? If so then fair enough and I'll stop questioning all.
>>> However? If it does diddlysquat but get the "belly hairs on some
>> scientific
>>> gizmo designer excited?" Certainly without obvious in the image content?
>> Why
>>> bother the buyers in doubling the cost of the cameras?
>>> If whatever they add on will make my photos jump off the pages of my new
>>> books? Fair enough, I'll shut up for ever! Now if ever there was a tough
>>> call about me and equipment ????????? I'll have to bite my tounge very
>> hard!
>>> :-(
>>> Thank you for your usual kind and understanding responses.
>>> cheers,
>>> ted
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